Fire Sprinkler Systems are proven technology having saved lives for over 100 years. Now they can be used in domestic and residential accommodation both new and old, to help meet building regulations and provide peace of mind.

In sprinklered residences, 90% of fires are contained by the operation of just one sprinkler, because the sprinkler system reacts so quickly it will dramatically reduce the heat, flames and the smoke produced in a fire.

All systems to be designed, certificated and installed to BS EN 9251:2014.

We can offer full C.A.D. drawings including Hydraulic Calculations using the latest computer software to prove the operation of the system.

You can have the confidence in knowing all work is carried out to the highest standard and by an LPCB approved contractor.

Some examples of places we install Domestic Sprinkler Systems:

  • Multiple fits in new housing
  • Private New Builds Conversations to domestic usage eg. Barns
  • Extensions and building alterations to existing properties
  • Housing Association developments
  • Renovations, including listed buildings

Some examples of places we install Residential Sprinkler Systems:

  • Sheltered Housing
  • Nursing Homes
  • Private Care Facilities
  • Hostels
  • Flats and Student Accommodation

The main difference between Domestic systems and Residential, is Residential systems are designed to compensate for a longer operation period and greater flows rates to allow for the additional time for escape and rescue.


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